Topics & Speakers

The program reflects the most recent advances in ultrafast optical science and technology. The conference topics include:

• Generation of ultrashort optical pulses from lasers
• Parametric oscillators and amplifiers of ultrashort pulses
• Ultrahigh peak-power laser systems and related technologies
• High average power ultrafast lasers
• High harmonic and attosecond pulse generation technology and science
• Novel methods for shaping and measuring ultrashort pulses
• Few-cycle pulses, carrier-envelope phase control
• Coherent beam combining and pulse synthesis
• Ultrashort x-ray pulses; generation, characterization, and synchronization of XFELs
• Ultrafast laser applications that drive technology advancements and innovation


Keynote Speakers

Gérard Mourou, École Polytechnique & University of Michigan
Ferenc Krausz, Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik
Alan Fry, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Short Courses

Ultrafast Coherent Mid-IR Pulses: Generation and Applications
Konstantin Vodopyanov, University of Central Florida (USA)

Imaging with Laser-generated Ultrashort X-ray Pulses
David Neely, STFC/RAL/CLF (United Kingdom)

Invited Speakers

  • Sergio Carbajo, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
  • Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Synchrotron SOLEIL (France)
  • Wilhelm Eschen, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)
  • Marc Hanna, CNRS – Institut d’Optique (France)
  • Michael Hemmer, JILA (USA)
  • Heung-Sik Kang, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (Korea)
  • Abijith Kowligy, NIST (USA)
  • Michael Kozina, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
  • Philippe Lassonde, INRS (Canada)
  • Zhaoyang Li, Osaka University (Japan)
  • Aline Mayer, University of Vienna (Austria)
  • Howard Milchberg, University of Maryland (USA)
  • Christopher Phillips, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
  • Audrius Pugžlis, TU Wien (Austria)
  • Gil Porat, JILA (USA)
  • Jie Qiao, Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
  • Christophe Simon Boisson, Thales (France)
  • Catherine Teisset, TRUMPF Scientific Lasers (Germany)
  • Björn Wedel, Photonic Tools GmbH (Germany)


Facility Invited Speakers

  • Skirmantas Ališauskas, DESY (Germany)
  • Damir Aumiler, Institute of Physics (Croatia)
  • Igor Jovanovic, University of Michigan (USA)
  • Csaba Toth, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
  • Allen Weeks, ELI Delivery Consortium (Belgium)